Saturday, August 4, 2012

Prologue - Great Expectations?

I took a trip around the US with my family in 1976, so I have a pretty good idea about what to expect in 4 of the 8 parks we are expecting to visit.  That trip was 5 weeks, including a couple days in the Canadian Rockies.  It was a great experience, and we covered a lot of ground, so I'm anxious to see if our 2012 trip can live up to our collective expectations.

We have an ambitious schedule planned, and we all have slightly different interests and biases which will influence our experiences during this trip.  All of the kids are anxious to see the Grand Canyon, but are not sure what to expect at the other parks.

I am writing this blog so that we can remember many aspects of this trip that may get lost with time.  However, I hope that any of you reading this will also enjoy the photos and get some value out of our perspective of what we saw.  Before and during the trip, we asked a lot of people who had any experience with areas we planned to travel for advice on what not to miss.  This advice was very helpful in planning how we spent the short time we had wherever we went.  This allow us to make the most efficient use of our time.  It is our hope that what we share in this blog will be helpful to you.

So with all these thoughts in mind, we are ready to "go west young man".

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